According to mythology Leros was the island of goddess Artemide and it is estimated that her temple was in the place of today Partheni.
Mythology connects Leros with town Kalidona of Etolia. When Ineas was the king of Kalidona, Artemide sent a pig in the region that destroyed fields and terrorized people. Then the mythic hero Meleagros, Ineas son, tried to kill him. But Artemide, who was cruel to mortals and punishments, was insulted by Meleagros and intermediated to his quick death.
When his four sisters were grieving for his loss, the goddess felt sorry for them and transformed them into birds, Meleagrides ornithes.
Homer reports about the myth of Meleagrides ornithes and Ovidios in his play “Metamorphosis”. This myth was the inspiration for the great tragedians of antiquity, Sofoklis and Euripidis.