Apolakkia is found in the hinterland, following the road from Gennadi to Vati.
In the village¢s square one can see an old Italian building, a classic sample of Italian architecture, one of the most beautiful buildings in the region. The building was used as an elementary school and today it is being used as a Cultural Center.
An important monument of the Byzantine era is a small tabernacle “Saint George Vardas”, built in 1290 a.C. and it is found near Apolakkia¢s dam.
On the way to the nearby village-Monolithos, in the “Kalamos” region there is a small temple dedicated to Saint George, a post Byzantine temple built over an older Byzantine church ruin. From this temple, the view of the beach “Fournoi” is splendid.
Also in the “Zonara” region one can see the ruins of a paleochristian temple dedicated to Saint Anastasia (on the way to Kattavia).