Thicket of Agios Nikolaos
The thicket of Agios Nikolaos is a Pan-Hellenic tourist centre of recreation and daylong excursion which is located about 3 kilometres south-west of the heroic town of Naoussa. An earthly paradise in the heart of Imathia. A breath of life against the ecological diminution.
Sixty acres of spectacular ground take life from the sources of the historical and multiply precious river of Arapitsa. The unique in Greece age-long thicket of platans impresses the visitor for its magnificence and volume each period of the year. In its shade rests the immense green of the natural sod that coexists with the wild uncultivated boxwood, the basswood, the oak and the abundant water in a rare agreement of sounds and colours. This divine place was financed by the European Union in the frames of the program LIFE in order to firstly protect and elevate it and secondly put the bases for a rational ecological management so that the manifold mesh of uses and activities that are entertained in the place will allow the viability.
As a result of this appreciable effort the Special European Reward which is an important discrimination was assigned in the frames of institution of European Rewards urban and regional planning in 1997.
Today 1.000.000 visitors visit the thicket annually from all Greece who have the possibility to make use of the following installations and activities:
1. the municipal hotel Vermion of 150 beds capacity which has renovated rooms: bar - coffee, restaurant and congress centre that functions all year,
2. the athletic installations that include basketball field, volleyball field and tennis court along with a municipal refreshment stand,
3. the playground,
4. the small artificial lake of fishing and boating,
5. the church of Agios Nikolaos, where the name of the place came from,
6. the place where preys are raised,
7. the restaurants with the local trout as the main offered dish,
8. the areas of outdoor dinner,
9. the routes of exercising and walk,
10. the sources of the river Arapitsa,
11. the small train for a short tour of the Thicket,
12. the Centre of Environmental Briefing on a first acquaintance with the flora and fauna of the region and finally
13. the installations of hygiene.
A parking lot of 250 places has been completed and stands at the entry of the Thicket.